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SIG-SI Symposia

ASIS&T SIG SI has held 14 annual Social Informatics Research Symposiums at ASIS&T Annual Meetings. The purpose of the symposiums is to disseminate and discuss current research and research in progress that investigate the social aspects of information and communication technologies (ICT) across all areas of ASIS&T. Building on previous success, the symposiums include members of many SIGs and define “social” broadly to include critical and historical approaches as well as contemporary social analysis. We also define “technology” broadly to include traditional technologies (i.e., paper), state-of-the-art computer systems, and mobile and pervasive devices.

Submissions for the symposiums may include empirical, critical and theoretical work, as well as richly described practice cases and demonstrations. Submissions are encouraged from all scholars interested in social aspects of ICT (broadly defined), allowing them to share their research and research in progress via an extended abstract of their work and a presentation as part of the symposium. Papers, panels, and posters are normally accepted, with deadlines falling 2-3 months before the ASIS&T Annual Meeting. The symposiums are also the venue for the presentation of the best social informatics paper awards for each year.