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ASIS&T Membership News – Benefits, Renewals and Dues

ASIS&T continues to grow and provide increasing value through the strategy and key initiatives set forth by the Board of Directors in the 2020-2025 ASIS&T Strategic Plan. Many of these initiatives have brought direct impact to you as a member:

Goal 1: Support, Engage, and Grow the ASIS&T Community

  • Crowdsource and find research partners among over 2,600 ASIS&T member via iConnect.
  • Benefit from discounted memberships to individuals of Tier 2 nations that facilitate diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility of ASIS&T across the globe.
  • Become a future leader of the ASIS&T community through the New Leaders program.
  • Participate in the newly introduced Member Match, the ASIS&T program creating strong mentoring relationships.
  • Be recognized for your commitment to ASIS&T, and the information science and technology community, through the Distinguished Member program.
  • Unlimited free bachelor’s and master’s student memberships with Institutional Memberships.

Goal 2: Improve ASIS&T Publications

Goal 3: Improve Knowledge Sharing Opportunities

  • Engage in networking and knowledge sharing through chapters and Special Interest Groups, including 3 new chapters (Middle East, US Southwest, and US Midwest)
  • Attend FREE live and on demand recordings of past monthly webinars and educational opportunities including regional and chapter meetings, SIG cafes and other virtual learning/sharing events.
  • Learn from the comfort of your own space, for less, with new virtual programming such as the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting, the 2021 Hybrid Annual Meeting, the 2022 24-Hour Conference and the upcoming 2023 Mid-Year Conference.

Goal 4: Develop & Implement Coopetition Opportunities

  • The Research Symposium Series gathers a limited number of researchers and/or professionals to discuss research focused on a specified theme or problem.

During years of expanding services and value there has been no increase in the cost of membership. The last dues increase took place in August 2019. While funding growth, like many similar organizations, ASIS&T has unfortunately felt the impact of rising costs associated with the services of the organization.

The ASIS&T Board of Directors and staff continue to seek to find ways to bring value to all ASIS&T members. To this effect the ASIS&T Board of Directors has approved a dues increase beginning in the 2023-2024 membership year.

Dues will increase for all member types, with the exception of Retired memberships, as follows:


Early Career
Community Only
Tier 1 Professional
Tier 1 Early Career
Tier 1 Student


No Change

Tier 2 memberships will continue to be free for the first two years of membership, after which time, Tier 2 members will be billed US$25 for professional members and US$5 for students. Tier 2 members who have already been members for two years at no charge will begin paying dues with the upcoming dues cycle.