Querying Wikidata: All the Knowledge in the World (DCMI)
Knowledge Graphs have become a common asset for representing world knowledge in data driven models and applications. Wikidata is one of the largest crowdsourced Knowledge Graphs, with over 90 million entities and 1.5 billion edges. In this webinar, participants will learn how heterogeneous facts are represented in Wikidata, and how to retrieve them by using standard query languages and tools designed by the Wikidata community. The audience will learn about: 1) The Wikidata data model, 2) The features of the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint and tooling; and 3) Query examples to retrieve qualifiers, references, rankings and deprecated statements in Wikidata.
Dr. Daniel Garijo Verdejo is a Distinguished Researcher at the Ontology Engineering Group of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Previously, he held a Research Computer Scientist position at the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles. Daniel's research activities focus on e-Science and Knowledge Capture, specifically on how to increase the understandability of research software and scientific workflows by creating Knowledge Graph from their documentation and provenance (i.e., steps, outputs, inputs, intermediate results). Daniel is part of the Knowledge Graph Toolkit team, designing tooling for consuming and operating with large Knowledge Graphs like Wikidata.