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Re-envisioning Management Education and Training for Information Professionals

The evolving demand for workforce skills has often been a topic of discussion at various professional LIS conferences. Although LIS schools tend to highlight the goal of preparing future members of the LIS profession to be effective leaders, a curriculum gap still exists. Most LIS schools are still falling short when it comes to offering advanced management courses on a regular basis. Consequently, this lack of adequate management education and training in LIS Schools tends to contribute to the development of “accidental managers.”

This webinar will demonstrate the current landscape of LIS education in relation to the demand for leadership and management skills and the increasing significance of these competencies for information professionals. Also discussed will be a 15-credit online Advanced Certificate in Management for Information Professionals (CMIP) that was developed in the Division of Library and Information Science at St. John’s University. This certificate program was created in response to the current and future needs for leadership and management skills in the LIS profession. The CMIP courses include project management, knowledge management, and marketing and advocacy. Students learn skills to produce highly relevant artifacts such as a strategic plan, a marketing plan, an advocacy campaign proposal, a change management plan, etc.

It is vitally important for LIS schools to bridge the gaps existing in LIS education in order to meet professional demands for leadership and management skills, and this webinar will demonstrate one way in which LIS schools can accomplish this.


Rajesh Singh
Rajesh Singh is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Library and Information Science (DLIS) at St. John’s University, New York. He has previously taught at Emporia State University and the University of British Columbia. His research and teaching focus on the areas of marketing, leadership, management, and organizational behavior. He is currently serving as the Co-Chair for the Special Interest Group on Education (SIG ED) for the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T). Dr. Singh is also serving as the Co-Convener for the Special Interest Group on “Innovative Pedagogy” for the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE).



James Vorbach
James Vorbach joined the St. John’s University faculty in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in 1989. A Fulbright Scholar (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, 1992-93), Dr. Vorbach has over twenty-five years’ teaching and consulting experience in database modeling and application design. He has published in the fields of semantic data modeling, database logic, and database design methodology.

Since joining the Division of Library and Information Science (DLIS) in 2004, Dr. Vorbach has focused on online course design, strengthening technical course offerings, and incorporating academic service-learning (AS-L) projects in courses to increase experiential learning. Dr. Vorbach is currently the director of the Master of Science in Library and Information Science program.